Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Guys Write for Guys Read

Have you ever thought that because you were a boy, you couldn't write or read as well as the other people in your class? Since you were a boy you were automatically doomed to be a bad speller, and to never know when to use a comma? There are lots of boys who feel this way, but the authors of the stories in Guys Write for Guys Read don't listen to what people tell them about not being good writers. The men who wrote the stories talk about all the other problems they had growing up, like asking out girls and being the last picked kid in gym class, things that most boys have suffered through. They don't worry about spelling and commas, because after a lot of practice, these just come naturally, something that will also happen to you. They write because they want others to hear about their stories, to let other young men know that they aren't alone in the world, and other people are going through the same struggles. A couple of the stories might be about topics you don't know anything about, but the man writing it is letting you know about his experience so you can be ready if it happens to you. How often will you connect with a story and feel like it was written specifically for you? How often will you see a new solution to an old problem. How many times will you read this book in order to help you cope with the hard times of being a young boy?

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